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Friday, March 12, 2010

Hubble Recovery

The ailing and aged Hubble Space Telescope awaits urgent servicing missions that could extend its life, but the Nasa administrator finds it risky to send astronauts to perform the surgical job. Perhaps, unmanned missions to Hubble to reclaim it with reliable and advanced robotic capabilities might help its recovery. And, that's the talk of the town!

To save the life of planet-discovering, space-probing Hubble, which has revolutionized our knowledge of universe and replaced our speculations with clear and picturesque proofs, is a cause really worth fighting for. Hubble's unrivaled and miraculous vision has enabled us to see the unimaginable and fantastic, and taken us beyond our known worlds. Its remarkable voyage through space has enriched our knowledge and its impact on our science is terrific. Hubble's discoveries are epoch-making in Astronomy, and they have greatly altered and mobilized our spirit for the exploration of the Cosmos. 

By piecing together the spectacular images sent by stargazing Hubble, the scientists have attempted to arrive at new conjectures. Triggered by the instant availability of revelatory data, they crave for further and deeper understanding of the exotic phenomena, which yields staggering results of progress. Through regular observation and analysis of images 'featuring change or celestial activity', they have isolated intelligent clues to broaden all theoretical spectrum and gained insightful updates to strengthen our approaches leading to the 'mission impossible' of the discovery of the universe. It enhances our perceptions of our home and our neighboring galaxies and the mystery beyond, thus equipping us with a stronger urge and gravitational pull to break its code.

At certain point in future, Hubble might not be able to carry out our expectations. Keeping this in view, our scientists have already started designing a successor for it: JWST ( The James Webb Space Telescope ), which is at least 10 times more powerful in reflecting light coming from the distant stars. Some of the light falling on JWST's mirror may have traveled billions of uninterrupted light years before and carried along with them some significant reports of the remote past, including some interesting hints about the origins of the gallaxies. JWST may be launched by 2011, which will usher in a new era in our understanding of the enchanting universe.

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