Some people aren't simply able to make friends with others. They seem to be preoccupied or contented with themselves as they do not look up to groups for support. Either they do not have any faith in friendship or they regularly miss the opportunity to make any attempt to forge a relationship based on mutual benefit. It might be that they are overconfident of themselves, or that they prefer to stick to the style that suit them most, and make their own decisions.
If friendship doesn't happen naturally, it will never happen at all, and it is better that way. Basically, friendship is a matter of trust and understanding.
But, why are they unfriendly? Perhaps, society doesn't interest them at all. They do not champion its causes because they don't feel it right. They look as if they are least bothered about what's going on around them.
Since they do not want to open their hearts to anyone, nobody actually knows what is inside their mind. However, their character is analyzed as being too slow and suspicious to keep any vital interaction with others. Consequently, the society itself turns its back on them. From the other side, they maintain that the society is at variance with their longings and so they have no expectations of its influence in their life.
So the friendless people get isolated more and more, and they begin to hate the society for failing to reckon them or at least take note of their presence there. Ultimately, such people turn to solitude for shelter or solace.
Solitude has its healing resources, and delivers effective solutions. In the cave of loneliness, men and women are driven to listen to their own inner selves, able to read their own deeper urges and inspired to channelize their energies in the proper direction. Solitude empowers them to redefine themselves and perform immensely better. They build an integral and lasting union with God and realize their own infinite potential and chalk out ways to nourish it well beyond the framework and imagination of society. This is how they literally tap the great bonanza of opportunity that presents itself to them in the hour of their crucial need.
No doubt, society has evolved talents and made them highly competitive in order to carry on the "struggle" that's life, to the utmost limits of their capacity. That's really fantastic. Millions have done it faithfully, wearing themselves out, and kept their loyalty to their master; and several millions are still doing it with ferocious dogmatic faith in its strictures and policies or without ever having the courage to question them. The dictatorial society commands servile obedience from the masses and taxes them beyond their ability. And the show goes on relentlessly.
With Solitude, the entire scene changes: the atmosphere itself is relaxed, and is completely different. It gives freedom to think and open up further, symbolizing unrivaled development. There is a broad world of ideas to choose from, or create your own instinctively. Solitude is never a master dictating terms to you but it is just your interactive self or mirror. No wonder, with this trail of enlightenment, it has made possible the birth of our greatest men and women who have either created history, or changed its normal course.
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