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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Poverty, a Naked Truth

Poverty...I have been pondering over this ineffacable social phenomenon ever since start thinking. Can i call it evil? I am not sure. The poor suffer unjustifiably.

In a world where the measure of man is money, the lack of money would definitely cause a downgrading. Men without money is a waste of nature. He is not recognized at all in any social category. The poor are a neglected lot. Everybody knows they exist but nobody knows how they manage to live. Often they are virtuous because they have not gotten the chances of the affluent to fake goodness and commit crimes.

The poor are more sinned against than sinning. There is no court of justice to defend their innocence. The society's conscience has been frozen by material greed.

Do we have a minute to ponder over this naked truth?

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