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Thursday, February 18, 2010

UFO Sightings

For decades many reports of UFO sightings have been recorded and later archived. This phenomenon will go on as long as people are hyper-imaginative. Why not? it is possible that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) exist, and nobody has ever been able to prove that they are just impossible. Scientists do not completely deny it; rather they are more curious to collect the latest case reports and subject them to crucial research. In short, there is a lot of speculation in the air. 

However, reports based on personal experience can't be scientifically tested, and experts argue for and against, with little or no progress towards a reasonable conclusion. And, interestingly, the real materials have now been hidden under the chaotic mass of a lot of made-up stories and delusive accounts, and separating them for scientific analysis is next to impossible.

On the other hand, science fiction writers are flourishing in their trade with all their fantastic and terrific descriptions of extra-terrestrial objects and beings. Aliens visit the earth in their sophisticated space-craft. They possess superb intelligence and assume greater powers than us. They frequently come to study about life on earth, or they have set their eyes on our wealth. Maybe, they plan to conquer us. You can't rule out that since some of them look terrible in appearance and form. They would use force and attack us, and if we do not yield, they will destroy our race and planet. This is what they write and extrapolate. Human fantasy has no limit.

The sightings of UFO's can't be summarily dismissed as mere fiction or pigments of fancy. Intuition works and guide our thirst for knowledge. We will develop advanced tools for our search. We need just to wait until we get further revelation and clear evidence to establish our hypothesis.

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