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Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Work is in Progress

Change, Growth, Progress, etc are some of the words in the language that sound vigorous and tremendous.

Dynamism adds a touch of beauty to life. Life is transient, so we need to hurry up. If we rest, we rust. So we can't just be idle and waste mindlessly our precious little allowance of time. We need to plan what we are going to do next.

The frequently asked question is "what next?"

The image of future is always in front of us, and future is what we really make of it. We persistently ask ourselves, "do you you have any plans for the future?" and we add a new leaf every fraction of a second.

We presume, we guess....we come to believe that "The Work is in Progress"..... It is true that we are already in pursuit of a dream. Yea, we fly with the time, and are in tune with it.

That's good news.

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