Just recently my friend told me about the interesting features of a fractal as he paid tribute to its popularizer, Benoit Mandelbrot, who was a product of Caltech. When I looked at a broccoli, which he cited as an example, I was really amazed at its weird shape. "Is this what they call a fractal?", I shrugged. Later, the striking images of colorful fractal patterns presented the astounding discovery to me. I felt as if a new window on the mysteries of Nature opening!
In 1975, Mandelbrot coined the term,"Fractal", which he derived from the original Latin "Fractus", meaning "fractured". He advocated that most of the things found in Nature are fractals, and continued to explain that "[c]louds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line." ( The Fractal Geometry of Nature, 1982)
Fractals are rough, irregular or fragmented geometric shapes, which can't be described in merely Euclidean terms.
The pattern multiplies, whether it zooms in or zooms out, and the formation is continued by iteration. The formula which generated a Mandelbrot Set was a simple one. The individual parts displayed an amazing self-similarity, which makes the whole set a unique object of mathematical curiosity.
Fractal dimension is another key feature that draws our attention. It exceeds normal topological dimension. For example, the coastline of South Africa is 1.02 whereas the west coast of Great Britain is 1.25. A Sierpinski triangle has a space with fractal dimension of approximately 1.585. Thes proof establish the existence of a non-integer, fractal dimension, which was not known before.
Fractals are employed as models in research in varied fields. Whether it's plant growth or cloud formation, it mirrors fractal similarity. You can also use fractal structures to conform to the growth of marine organisms such as sponges and corals. Then, it goes to the extend of being used in the modelling of brain activity. Even in the stock market, it's now being utilized to observe the movement. So the study of fractals have infinite scope, no doubt.
musing on visions of writing. think actively of natural creativity. feel fearless to admit thoughts. enjoy the idealization of the abstract. argue with oneself and eke out sustenance for poetic activity. embrace universal harmony. just endeavor to make it.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Of Birds and Men
Birds are aesthetically alluring, soulfully endearing and infinitely musical. Man's acquaintance with birds has started since time immemorial. Gradually, this association evolved into one of deep interdependence and faith, leading to a thick spiritual bonding.
Ever since birds flew into their curious vision and stole their hearts, eliciting softness and casual sympathy, they have become a part of the human destiny, life and culture. Birds have added a new leaf and many colorful images to their lives. Perhaps, a birds' nest, an excellent work of art and architectural sample, has been man's earliest inspiration to build a protected space for shelter. Nevertheless, birds have tickled them into feeling the early sensations of language and music, and they have been the aides of their initial learning as well. Birds have also symbolized to them all the lofty thinking and a broader general view of the world. Birds have been their flights of freedom - say, their waking, walking and moving ahead.
Their mutual co-operation and harmonious social exchange have been notably strong, warm and superb. Nuts, leaves and fruits, they have shared commonly, prompting plants to produce more and more for feeding them on demand. From enemies they have saved each other by signaling instant warnings. Wild animals they have tamed with a spell of their kindness and cheer. United, they have worked out a policy for welfare.
The lightness of their feathers and shapeliness of their tiny structure, have all been woven into Nature's gift of richness of spirit. Watching birds either hovering in the sky or calmly chirruping on tree-top is really a sweet and memorable experience.
They are the best neighbors, human beings have ever managed to select. Their songs are amazingly sweet and beautiful; and are deeply soothing as they touch the very heart strings of man. But, seldom have their lamenting cries feigned to add a rueful wave to the woes of man. They are the happy creatures who have no worries about tomorrow. They are the borderless ambassadors of love and peace.
Ever since birds flew into their curious vision and stole their hearts, eliciting softness and casual sympathy, they have become a part of the human destiny, life and culture. Birds have added a new leaf and many colorful images to their lives. Perhaps, a birds' nest, an excellent work of art and architectural sample, has been man's earliest inspiration to build a protected space for shelter. Nevertheless, birds have tickled them into feeling the early sensations of language and music, and they have been the aides of their initial learning as well. Birds have also symbolized to them all the lofty thinking and a broader general view of the world. Birds have been their flights of freedom - say, their waking, walking and moving ahead.
Their mutual co-operation and harmonious social exchange have been notably strong, warm and superb. Nuts, leaves and fruits, they have shared commonly, prompting plants to produce more and more for feeding them on demand. From enemies they have saved each other by signaling instant warnings. Wild animals they have tamed with a spell of their kindness and cheer. United, they have worked out a policy for welfare.
The lightness of their feathers and shapeliness of their tiny structure, have all been woven into Nature's gift of richness of spirit. Watching birds either hovering in the sky or calmly chirruping on tree-top is really a sweet and memorable experience.
They are the best neighbors, human beings have ever managed to select. Their songs are amazingly sweet and beautiful; and are deeply soothing as they touch the very heart strings of man. But, seldom have their lamenting cries feigned to add a rueful wave to the woes of man. They are the happy creatures who have no worries about tomorrow. They are the borderless ambassadors of love and peace.
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Lost Leader
Eugene Terreblanche was murdered in his farm alleged by workers over a nasty wage dispute. He was laid to rest amidst fears of unrest. His supporters paid him glowing tributes while his sympathizers were still under a shock. The mourners felt he was a definite victim of "genocide", and went on to describe him as a Christ-like figure, who sacrificed himself for truth.
He was the controversial leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) party that supported the continuation of apartheid in South Africa and struggled for a separate white homeland. A man with the gift of the gab and a resounding bass voice, the white supremacist could easily insinuate people and galvanize them into aggressive actions. A boiling racio-political activist, he had threatened to unleash a reign of terror ( bloody civil war ) if South Africa abolished apartheid.
By firing the dark imagination of the white people who significantly wanted to curtail the unusual and newly evolved privileges of the black majority, he sought to take revenge on those who questioned his authority. But, how could the black victims of segregation remain slaves ever in their own land and allow themselves to be ruled over again by abusive white minorities? Those who revolted against apartheid thought in this vein.
Terreblanche had his own guards in uniforms to carry out his commands while he himself appeared in public pompously riding on a charger. He mystified his followers by fittingly playing the comic role of a romantic hero. He was a myth-maker or a cult figure, but definitely not a military man. However, riding on the wave of success of his influence, he tried to disrupt political meetings and discussions, resorting to violence and, thereby, stop the country's transition to democracy.
His flashy agenda and weird techniques of opposition were full of sound and fury, but they signified nothing. His failure was not surprising as nobody seemed to take him very seriously. He could not guide his followers well in any strategic combat as he himself lacked a clear sense of purpose. However, he had a fiery racist theme to promulgate, and thus became the central figure of a tactless conspiracy. He often foulmouthed opinions that went squarely against the idea of equality and justice, the majority dreamt of achieving.
His assassination already has raised doubts of racial conflicts in a country which is getting ready to host the World Cup in a few weeks' time.
He was the controversial leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) party that supported the continuation of apartheid in South Africa and struggled for a separate white homeland. A man with the gift of the gab and a resounding bass voice, the white supremacist could easily insinuate people and galvanize them into aggressive actions. A boiling racio-political activist, he had threatened to unleash a reign of terror ( bloody civil war ) if South Africa abolished apartheid.
By firing the dark imagination of the white people who significantly wanted to curtail the unusual and newly evolved privileges of the black majority, he sought to take revenge on those who questioned his authority. But, how could the black victims of segregation remain slaves ever in their own land and allow themselves to be ruled over again by abusive white minorities? Those who revolted against apartheid thought in this vein.
Terreblanche had his own guards in uniforms to carry out his commands while he himself appeared in public pompously riding on a charger. He mystified his followers by fittingly playing the comic role of a romantic hero. He was a myth-maker or a cult figure, but definitely not a military man. However, riding on the wave of success of his influence, he tried to disrupt political meetings and discussions, resorting to violence and, thereby, stop the country's transition to democracy.
His flashy agenda and weird techniques of opposition were full of sound and fury, but they signified nothing. His failure was not surprising as nobody seemed to take him very seriously. He could not guide his followers well in any strategic combat as he himself lacked a clear sense of purpose. However, he had a fiery racist theme to promulgate, and thus became the central figure of a tactless conspiracy. He often foulmouthed opinions that went squarely against the idea of equality and justice, the majority dreamt of achieving.
His assassination already has raised doubts of racial conflicts in a country which is getting ready to host the World Cup in a few weeks' time.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Confessions: At the Crossroads of Writing
I was curiously impatient to find a "voice" as I felt a burning desire to express myself in the world. I tirelessly sought for it within and without. My intuitions kept telling me something that I could not possibly stop pondering over. The message was overpowering and irresistible.
I knew I had the heart and head to go into writing though, for the most part, I felt rather shy and tongue-tied. A crowd of passions choked my throat, making me feel hugely terrible, yet they had not got readily shaped into articulate forms that could force themselves into the wide air. Inability to communicate eloquently was quite a suffocating experience, which drove me mad and melancholic.
Having hailed from a traditional farming community, I often listened to the unuttered voices of the green that said:
"O Farmer, scatter your seeds far and wide;
Let them breathe, sprout apace in ample space".
Those were highly touching lines that could invoke the spirit of the letter. That happened to create in me a state of prolonged cultural vision, and suddenly I came under the inescapable spell of an inevitable "second source", the psychic forces of a legendary, hard-working community that wanted itself known and heard in every corner of the world, and who believed what it did would never go unrecorded. I became the undeclared incumbent for promoting its publicity agenda, which was largely composed of unclear and irrational elements. Nonetheless, I was drawn into this mission involuntarily, and became its anointed spokesman. It was a phase of transition in me but it was a sort recognition as well.
I started writing more intentionally as I carried the seeds of rebellion in my bones. I tried to relate and relay the text and context of a profound human situation, previously unexplored. But it all turned out to be the work of trivial immaturity and inane imperfection. I felt I had really attempted nothing to merit a passable standard. That was rather too embarrassing. All my effusions seemed hopelessly silly and nothing worthwhile emanated from my constant musings. Clearly, that was not the fulfillment of my goal as I envisaged, or my ambition with sky as the limit. Sorry to say that it was the point of my horrid defeat. I was literally falling apart in sunken despair!
Time acted as my healer after my first set-back. I started to rebuild. It was a challenge for me but I did not hesitate to face it. "To strive to seek to find and not to yield", I remembered the lines of Lord Tennyson. I took it as my writing motto and described all my failings as a blessing in disguise. I felt inspired to continue. I was lucky as I thought. Then, out of the dark impossible, sprang the pang of new creation!
I knew I had the heart and head to go into writing though, for the most part, I felt rather shy and tongue-tied. A crowd of passions choked my throat, making me feel hugely terrible, yet they had not got readily shaped into articulate forms that could force themselves into the wide air. Inability to communicate eloquently was quite a suffocating experience, which drove me mad and melancholic.
Having hailed from a traditional farming community, I often listened to the unuttered voices of the green that said:
"O Farmer, scatter your seeds far and wide;
Let them breathe, sprout apace in ample space".
Those were highly touching lines that could invoke the spirit of the letter. That happened to create in me a state of prolonged cultural vision, and suddenly I came under the inescapable spell of an inevitable "second source", the psychic forces of a legendary, hard-working community that wanted itself known and heard in every corner of the world, and who believed what it did would never go unrecorded. I became the undeclared incumbent for promoting its publicity agenda, which was largely composed of unclear and irrational elements. Nonetheless, I was drawn into this mission involuntarily, and became its anointed spokesman. It was a phase of transition in me but it was a sort recognition as well.
I started writing more intentionally as I carried the seeds of rebellion in my bones. I tried to relate and relay the text and context of a profound human situation, previously unexplored. But it all turned out to be the work of trivial immaturity and inane imperfection. I felt I had really attempted nothing to merit a passable standard. That was rather too embarrassing. All my effusions seemed hopelessly silly and nothing worthwhile emanated from my constant musings. Clearly, that was not the fulfillment of my goal as I envisaged, or my ambition with sky as the limit. Sorry to say that it was the point of my horrid defeat. I was literally falling apart in sunken despair!
Time acted as my healer after my first set-back. I started to rebuild. It was a challenge for me but I did not hesitate to face it. "To strive to seek to find and not to yield", I remembered the lines of Lord Tennyson. I took it as my writing motto and described all my failings as a blessing in disguise. I felt inspired to continue. I was lucky as I thought. Then, out of the dark impossible, sprang the pang of new creation!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Higher Solitude
Some people aren't simply able to make friends with others. They seem to be preoccupied or contented with themselves as they do not look up to groups for support. Either they do not have any faith in friendship or they regularly miss the opportunity to make any attempt to forge a relationship based on mutual benefit. It might be that they are overconfident of themselves, or that they prefer to stick to the style that suit them most, and make their own decisions.
If friendship doesn't happen naturally, it will never happen at all, and it is better that way. Basically, friendship is a matter of trust and understanding.
But, why are they unfriendly? Perhaps, society doesn't interest them at all. They do not champion its causes because they don't feel it right. They look as if they are least bothered about what's going on around them.
Since they do not want to open their hearts to anyone, nobody actually knows what is inside their mind. However, their character is analyzed as being too slow and suspicious to keep any vital interaction with others. Consequently, the society itself turns its back on them. From the other side, they maintain that the society is at variance with their longings and so they have no expectations of its influence in their life.
So the friendless people get isolated more and more, and they begin to hate the society for failing to reckon them or at least take note of their presence there. Ultimately, such people turn to solitude for shelter or solace.
Solitude has its healing resources, and delivers effective solutions. In the cave of loneliness, men and women are driven to listen to their own inner selves, able to read their own deeper urges and inspired to channelize their energies in the proper direction. Solitude empowers them to redefine themselves and perform immensely better. They build an integral and lasting union with God and realize their own infinite potential and chalk out ways to nourish it well beyond the framework and imagination of society. This is how they literally tap the great bonanza of opportunity that presents itself to them in the hour of their crucial need.
No doubt, society has evolved talents and made them highly competitive in order to carry on the "struggle" that's life, to the utmost limits of their capacity. That's really fantastic. Millions have done it faithfully, wearing themselves out, and kept their loyalty to their master; and several millions are still doing it with ferocious dogmatic faith in its strictures and policies or without ever having the courage to question them. The dictatorial society commands servile obedience from the masses and taxes them beyond their ability. And the show goes on relentlessly.
With Solitude, the entire scene changes: the atmosphere itself is relaxed, and is completely different. It gives freedom to think and open up further, symbolizing unrivaled development. There is a broad world of ideas to choose from, or create your own instinctively. Solitude is never a master dictating terms to you but it is just your interactive self or mirror. No wonder, with this trail of enlightenment, it has made possible the birth of our greatest men and women who have either created history, or changed its normal course.
If friendship doesn't happen naturally, it will never happen at all, and it is better that way. Basically, friendship is a matter of trust and understanding.
But, why are they unfriendly? Perhaps, society doesn't interest them at all. They do not champion its causes because they don't feel it right. They look as if they are least bothered about what's going on around them.
Since they do not want to open their hearts to anyone, nobody actually knows what is inside their mind. However, their character is analyzed as being too slow and suspicious to keep any vital interaction with others. Consequently, the society itself turns its back on them. From the other side, they maintain that the society is at variance with their longings and so they have no expectations of its influence in their life.
So the friendless people get isolated more and more, and they begin to hate the society for failing to reckon them or at least take note of their presence there. Ultimately, such people turn to solitude for shelter or solace.
Solitude has its healing resources, and delivers effective solutions. In the cave of loneliness, men and women are driven to listen to their own inner selves, able to read their own deeper urges and inspired to channelize their energies in the proper direction. Solitude empowers them to redefine themselves and perform immensely better. They build an integral and lasting union with God and realize their own infinite potential and chalk out ways to nourish it well beyond the framework and imagination of society. This is how they literally tap the great bonanza of opportunity that presents itself to them in the hour of their crucial need.
No doubt, society has evolved talents and made them highly competitive in order to carry on the "struggle" that's life, to the utmost limits of their capacity. That's really fantastic. Millions have done it faithfully, wearing themselves out, and kept their loyalty to their master; and several millions are still doing it with ferocious dogmatic faith in its strictures and policies or without ever having the courage to question them. The dictatorial society commands servile obedience from the masses and taxes them beyond their ability. And the show goes on relentlessly.
With Solitude, the entire scene changes: the atmosphere itself is relaxed, and is completely different. It gives freedom to think and open up further, symbolizing unrivaled development. There is a broad world of ideas to choose from, or create your own instinctively. Solitude is never a master dictating terms to you but it is just your interactive self or mirror. No wonder, with this trail of enlightenment, it has made possible the birth of our greatest men and women who have either created history, or changed its normal course.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fueling Cloud for Business
The idea of Cloud Computing dawns upon the virtual world as the next-generation shift that puts Internet and Computing together in a single module.
The innovative technology is definitely going to transform the way the world runs business. In near future, Cloud will move to the center of our exchange and remain at the core of worldwide transactions. It is cost-effective as a venture to outsource infrastructure, especially at a time when a deluge of information demands complex handling and analyses. Taking into consideration the ground realities of the inadequacy of the existing solitary IT infrastructure to deal properly with an avalanche of instantaneous data, the Cloud Computing appears both as a challenge and a boon. It's the signal and herald of great change in the digital world and the inauguration of a new phase in the engineering.
A remote server, storing the content, with unparalleled processing power and amazing strength of software, sorts them out, analyses and delivers the results home in seconds. That way, it promotes client efficiency by controlling and limiting the workload, or making the work-flow much easier, and thereby, helps companies to risk no business opportunities. So it's sort of teaming up of providers and clients, working together in an advanced and collaborative set-up. However, the practical problems related to integrating cloud services to existing culture and the multitude of security questions associated with it, are yet to clarified or defined.
Cloud Computing has tremendous prospects in e-commerce, academic and scientific research, healthcare scene, etc. Realizing this hidden potential, Microsoft has made huge investments in its development and expansion. By next year, 90% of the software giant's developers will be focusing on cloud-based or cloud-inspired projects. Though it's an early stage for cloud computing, Microsoft hopes that in a decade about 50% of its income will be Cloud-generated. Already over a billion people and 20 million businesses use MS cloud services. Windows Azure and SQL Azure are designed as a massive platform for corporate business.
The innovative technology is definitely going to transform the way the world runs business. In near future, Cloud will move to the center of our exchange and remain at the core of worldwide transactions. It is cost-effective as a venture to outsource infrastructure, especially at a time when a deluge of information demands complex handling and analyses. Taking into consideration the ground realities of the inadequacy of the existing solitary IT infrastructure to deal properly with an avalanche of instantaneous data, the Cloud Computing appears both as a challenge and a boon. It's the signal and herald of great change in the digital world and the inauguration of a new phase in the engineering.
A remote server, storing the content, with unparalleled processing power and amazing strength of software, sorts them out, analyses and delivers the results home in seconds. That way, it promotes client efficiency by controlling and limiting the workload, or making the work-flow much easier, and thereby, helps companies to risk no business opportunities. So it's sort of teaming up of providers and clients, working together in an advanced and collaborative set-up. However, the practical problems related to integrating cloud services to existing culture and the multitude of security questions associated with it, are yet to clarified or defined.
Cloud Computing has tremendous prospects in e-commerce, academic and scientific research, healthcare scene, etc. Realizing this hidden potential, Microsoft has made huge investments in its development and expansion. By next year, 90% of the software giant's developers will be focusing on cloud-based or cloud-inspired projects. Though it's an early stage for cloud computing, Microsoft hopes that in a decade about 50% of its income will be Cloud-generated. Already over a billion people and 20 million businesses use MS cloud services. Windows Azure and SQL Azure are designed as a massive platform for corporate business.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hubble Recovery
The ailing and aged Hubble Space Telescope awaits urgent servicing missions that could extend its life, but the Nasa administrator finds it risky to send astronauts to perform the surgical job. Perhaps, unmanned missions to Hubble to reclaim it with reliable and advanced robotic capabilities might help its recovery. And, that's the talk of the town!

To save the life of planet-discovering, space-probing Hubble, which has revolutionized our knowledge of universe and replaced our speculations with clear and picturesque proofs, is a cause really worth fighting for. Hubble's unrivaled and miraculous vision has enabled us to see the unimaginable and fantastic, and taken us beyond our known worlds. Its remarkable voyage through space has enriched our knowledge and its impact on our science is terrific. Hubble's discoveries are epoch-making in Astronomy, and they have greatly altered and mobilized our spirit for the exploration of the Cosmos.
By piecing together the spectacular images sent by stargazing Hubble, the scientists have attempted to arrive at new conjectures. Triggered by the instant availability of revelatory data, they crave for further and deeper understanding of the exotic phenomena, which yields staggering results of progress. Through regular observation and analysis of images 'featuring change or celestial activity', they have isolated intelligent clues to broaden all theoretical spectrum and gained insightful updates to strengthen our approaches leading to the 'mission impossible' of the discovery of the universe. It enhances our perceptions of our home and our neighboring galaxies and the mystery beyond, thus equipping us with a stronger urge and gravitational pull to break its code.
At certain point in future, Hubble might not be able to carry out our expectations. Keeping this in view, our scientists have already started designing a successor for it: JWST ( The James Webb Space Telescope ), which is at least 10 times more powerful in reflecting light coming from the distant stars. Some of the light falling on JWST's mirror may have traveled billions of uninterrupted light years before and carried along with them some significant reports of the remote past, including some interesting hints about the origins of the gallaxies. JWST may be launched by 2011, which will usher in a new era in our understanding of the enchanting universe.

To save the life of planet-discovering, space-probing Hubble, which has revolutionized our knowledge of universe and replaced our speculations with clear and picturesque proofs, is a cause really worth fighting for. Hubble's unrivaled and miraculous vision has enabled us to see the unimaginable and fantastic, and taken us beyond our known worlds. Its remarkable voyage through space has enriched our knowledge and its impact on our science is terrific. Hubble's discoveries are epoch-making in Astronomy, and they have greatly altered and mobilized our spirit for the exploration of the Cosmos.
By piecing together the spectacular images sent by stargazing Hubble, the scientists have attempted to arrive at new conjectures. Triggered by the instant availability of revelatory data, they crave for further and deeper understanding of the exotic phenomena, which yields staggering results of progress. Through regular observation and analysis of images 'featuring change or celestial activity', they have isolated intelligent clues to broaden all theoretical spectrum and gained insightful updates to strengthen our approaches leading to the 'mission impossible' of the discovery of the universe. It enhances our perceptions of our home and our neighboring galaxies and the mystery beyond, thus equipping us with a stronger urge and gravitational pull to break its code.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Forbes 2010 List of Billionaires
In the Forbes list of world's richest in 2010, Carlos Slim Helu, the Mexican telecom magnate adorns the top-most position pushing Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to second and third positions respectively. Slim's wealth is estimated at $53.5 billions whereas the two Americans together are credited with $100 billion. In the fourth and fifth positions are two Indians: Mukesh Ambani and Lakshmi Mittal. Though the largest number of billionaires are still in the US, this has been the first time since 1994 a non-American leads the list. Financial downturn has certainly shaken up major economies and business men have suffered heavy losses. The US has still got 40% of 1011 of the world's richest in it but there is a marked increase in the number of billionaires in BRIC countries. And, it is encouraging to note that the current global trends are more beneficial to emerging economies.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Arab Booker Prize Winner
The latest news sparkled with the annnouncement of the Winner of 'Arab Booker Prize' for literature 2010. There is no suspense. Abdo Khal, a brilliant Saudi author, is the panel's unanimous and expert choice for "the most prestigious and important literary prize in the Arab world". He writes from a personal perspective but makes ample use of the deep and centuries-old Arab experience.
A novel is a product of imagination, but it presents certain human issues in clear focus. Since there is no predicament worse than the starvation of imagination, people's hunger for fiction and recreation must be accounted for and fed. No minds survive in a vacuum, and chances of undeprived creativity are an eternal and natural source of sweetness and light. All happiness, angelic and blissful, depends on the celebration of it.
As a matter of fact, a fictional account grants this freedom to indulge in extravagant dreams of fulfillment of desires and expectations. This silent excercise in freedom of choice resulting in expressive protrayal of life around secures the release of pent-up feelings and engenders cultural refreshment. It not only helps evolve popular understanding and perception but also gradually cements loyalty to leadership.
In a way, the prize-winning author asserts this faith in the deep and interactive relationship between the state and the individual in his novel, 'Spewing Sparks as Big as Castles'. He feels awkward and gets repelled by futile "double-standards". The novel is set in Jeddah, where Tarek, his young hero, comes to work leaving his poor village background behind. He has had his greedy ambitions of becoming glamorously rich, and so finds employment in a palace of the affluent.
The title of the novel is a Quranic reference to hell. The writer employes dark satire and symbolism, and depicts the dangerous influence of power and wealth that leads to repression, cruelty and agony in the society. Dreams of wealth are not real but seductive; it weakens the moral fibre and imperils spiritual life. Both, the owner of the palace and his servant, are equally enmeshed in arrogance and ugliness.
It's a "terrifying" novel, Taleb Alrefai, a Kuwaiti writer and the chair of the judges' panel, declared. Being the first from the Gulf to be honored with the Prize, Khal, who was born in Al Majanah in 1962 in Jazan, said it was a quite unexpected win. However, it is true that he was selected from the five short-listed to bag a prize worth 60,000 USD without any lobby to back him. The total entries for this contest were 113 novels from 17 countries.
IPAF ( International Prize for Arabic Fiction ) was instituted in 2007 as a joint venture between the Emirates Foundation, Abu Dhabi and the Booker Prize Foundation, London. The goal was to encourage, promote and sustain the growth of Arabic Literature, and ensure its popularity globally. The winners of the prize were internationally recognized and their works translated into many languages.
Any lengthy fictional narration has its impact on the society and ultimately it paves way for the betterment of the people and their living environment. The prize is an acclamation of the Arab ethnicity and unity, an avowal of its unique cultural heritage, and an assurance of intellectual growth and distinction. It is highly noteworthy that the prominent Arab presence is globally being sanctified as congenial to the development of harmonious cultural ties. Literature from the indigenous culture creates and projects a perfect Arab image to the international community.
A novel is a product of imagination, but it presents certain human issues in clear focus. Since there is no predicament worse than the starvation of imagination, people's hunger for fiction and recreation must be accounted for and fed. No minds survive in a vacuum, and chances of undeprived creativity are an eternal and natural source of sweetness and light. All happiness, angelic and blissful, depends on the celebration of it.
As a matter of fact, a fictional account grants this freedom to indulge in extravagant dreams of fulfillment of desires and expectations. This silent excercise in freedom of choice resulting in expressive protrayal of life around secures the release of pent-up feelings and engenders cultural refreshment. It not only helps evolve popular understanding and perception but also gradually cements loyalty to leadership.
In a way, the prize-winning author asserts this faith in the deep and interactive relationship between the state and the individual in his novel, 'Spewing Sparks as Big as Castles'. He feels awkward and gets repelled by futile "double-standards". The novel is set in Jeddah, where Tarek, his young hero, comes to work leaving his poor village background behind. He has had his greedy ambitions of becoming glamorously rich, and so finds employment in a palace of the affluent.
The title of the novel is a Quranic reference to hell. The writer employes dark satire and symbolism, and depicts the dangerous influence of power and wealth that leads to repression, cruelty and agony in the society. Dreams of wealth are not real but seductive; it weakens the moral fibre and imperils spiritual life. Both, the owner of the palace and his servant, are equally enmeshed in arrogance and ugliness.
It's a "terrifying" novel, Taleb Alrefai, a Kuwaiti writer and the chair of the judges' panel, declared. Being the first from the Gulf to be honored with the Prize, Khal, who was born in Al Majanah in 1962 in Jazan, said it was a quite unexpected win. However, it is true that he was selected from the five short-listed to bag a prize worth 60,000 USD without any lobby to back him. The total entries for this contest were 113 novels from 17 countries.
IPAF ( International Prize for Arabic Fiction ) was instituted in 2007 as a joint venture between the Emirates Foundation, Abu Dhabi and the Booker Prize Foundation, London. The goal was to encourage, promote and sustain the growth of Arabic Literature, and ensure its popularity globally. The winners of the prize were internationally recognized and their works translated into many languages.
Any lengthy fictional narration has its impact on the society and ultimately it paves way for the betterment of the people and their living environment. The prize is an acclamation of the Arab ethnicity and unity, an avowal of its unique cultural heritage, and an assurance of intellectual growth and distinction. It is highly noteworthy that the prominent Arab presence is globally being sanctified as congenial to the development of harmonious cultural ties. Literature from the indigenous culture creates and projects a perfect Arab image to the international community.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tragic Residue: Chile Hit by Quake
Chile became another face of tragedy in the world after Haiti. Bridges collapsed, communication links broken, and the very infrastructure was shaken in an instant stroke of ill-fortune. It was totally devastating! Nonetheless, the normal life of a prospering nation was thrown into utter chaos.
The magnitude of earthquake, struck about 200 miles south-west of Santiago, was the highest in records - 8.8 in ritcher scale. The city of Concepcion and other affected areas were termed the home of catastrophe. In the quake debris, one finds the ominous picture of the ruin and helplessness. Tens of thousands became homeless overnight; many were shocked, knocked out of breath but managed to survive under the shadow of the fear of death. They had just seen the worst but who could predict that it would not happen again? The panic was created and it burdened them unendurably.
One man witnessed a child, badly bruised, half-buried under the debris, and left with a faint impulse, had been released; and another saw the miserable face of a woman, who was trapped under a few blocks of rabble, but she furiously grappled with her destiny and was later rescued by some aid-workers. And there were many such bone-chilling stories of miraculous escapes that seemed like walking out of the jaws of death. The human casualty and the scene of suffering were the ones that couldn't be forgotten in years to come.
Some say that the enormity of damages could have been unthinkable if the buildings were not constructed in accordance with the type of structural designs, they had mastered and employed. The engineering skill and architecture style used in building houses helped cushion the severity of calamity. In fact, this unique style saved many lives and contained the spread of destruction. Though the death toll rose to over 400, it is much lower compared to Haiti's 200,000 dead, where buildings were poorly planned.
My heart and soul go with the people of Chile who have kept their spirit of hope undiminished in days of deep distress. May God bless you!
The magnitude of earthquake, struck about 200 miles south-west of Santiago, was the highest in records - 8.8 in ritcher scale. The city of Concepcion and other affected areas were termed the home of catastrophe. In the quake debris, one finds the ominous picture of the ruin and helplessness. Tens of thousands became homeless overnight; many were shocked, knocked out of breath but managed to survive under the shadow of the fear of death. They had just seen the worst but who could predict that it would not happen again? The panic was created and it burdened them unendurably.
One man witnessed a child, badly bruised, half-buried under the debris, and left with a faint impulse, had been released; and another saw the miserable face of a woman, who was trapped under a few blocks of rabble, but she furiously grappled with her destiny and was later rescued by some aid-workers. And there were many such bone-chilling stories of miraculous escapes that seemed like walking out of the jaws of death. The human casualty and the scene of suffering were the ones that couldn't be forgotten in years to come.
Some say that the enormity of damages could have been unthinkable if the buildings were not constructed in accordance with the type of structural designs, they had mastered and employed. The engineering skill and architecture style used in building houses helped cushion the severity of calamity. In fact, this unique style saved many lives and contained the spread of destruction. Though the death toll rose to over 400, it is much lower compared to Haiti's 200,000 dead, where buildings were poorly planned.
My heart and soul go with the people of Chile who have kept their spirit of hope undiminished in days of deep distress. May God bless you!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Salt Trade at Timbuktu
Timbuktu's ancient tradition of salt-loaded trans-Saharan caravan is a visual delight on a picturesque canvas but it's bitter struggle that tests the endurance of both the camel and camel-rider. Especially in changing climatic conditions, it's a perilous journey. Rains have receded, and severe drought has set in, making life harder. In the world's hottest weather, sandstorms threaten to bury the ancient place which was once famous as a center of learning and Islamic teachings.
In the West African country of Mali, Timbuktu is situated about 15 km north of the River Niger. With a long history as a trading outpost, Timbuktu, is now a World Heritage Site, seeking protection against threats of neglect. The trade route had shifted, and so the old fame had dwindled in last few centuries. However, its name, as fascinating and mysterious as ever, remains a part of the mythical imagination of the people worldwide.
Technology has had its impact on life in the Saharan deserts as well. Salt trade can be promoted with trucks that carry heavy loads and transport them faster. But this is all against their age-old tradition. The trade between Timbuktu and Taoudenni has been done through centuries on caravans. Any young member of the local Tuareg tribe who doesn't undergo this rite of passage wouldn't still be recognized. But modernity has its sway as well, and the struggle for survival makes slight changes necessary.
So the ancient, dried up salt lake has been sliced for salt blocks. And the trade is flourishing, but frequently thirsty camels are replaced with the fast-moving, oil-drinking trucks.
In the West African country of Mali, Timbuktu is situated about 15 km north of the River Niger. With a long history as a trading outpost, Timbuktu, is now a World Heritage Site, seeking protection against threats of neglect. The trade route had shifted, and so the old fame had dwindled in last few centuries. However, its name, as fascinating and mysterious as ever, remains a part of the mythical imagination of the people worldwide.
Technology has had its impact on life in the Saharan deserts as well. Salt trade can be promoted with trucks that carry heavy loads and transport them faster. But this is all against their age-old tradition. The trade between Timbuktu and Taoudenni has been done through centuries on caravans. Any young member of the local Tuareg tribe who doesn't undergo this rite of passage wouldn't still be recognized. But modernity has its sway as well, and the struggle for survival makes slight changes necessary.
So the ancient, dried up salt lake has been sliced for salt blocks. And the trade is flourishing, but frequently thirsty camels are replaced with the fast-moving, oil-drinking trucks.
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Passage to India
India is now economically stable and growing. It might one day supersede China as well, no doubt. India has a successful democracy with its basic emphasis on the right to freedom of thought and expression, which in China is literally impossible to conceive. India dons an ancient fabric which is woven of threads of diverse hues and shines brilliant by its picturesque designs. There is beauty and art in this multicultural whole.
It is this prestigious, composite and organic whole that people around the world call 'the fabulous India'. And to us, its citizens, it is our kindlier mother. Indians are proud of Mother India, who gives all, protects all, maintains all, and cares for lives and blesses progress. With this good faith, we march into the future. With this goal in view, we have pledged our lives in committed service to her.
India is the land of myths, religions and spiritual exuberance. Philosophy is ingrained in its psyche. To illustrate further I would introduce the metaphor of ocean, and depict this unfathomable stretch of legendary wisdom as 'the Indian Ocean', to which all streams of knowledge flow, plunge into its depths and gain acceptance and currency.
India encourages innovation and welcomes multiple views on any particular issue, and she doesn't doggedly promote anything as 'absolute'. It provides opportunities for argument and discussion, and places much emphasis on creativity rather than precedence. Significantly, India remains a preferred destination for different levels of thought. Ideas migrate to India when they are silenced, smothered or suppressed with strict opposition and censorship in other parts of the world. India is the ultimate home of boundless inquiry. She is a renowned host as she is liberal, open and tolerant.
There are cynics who wish to challenge this well-formed harmony. And there are also self-styled maniacs who continually look for a chance to spoil the elegant community mosaic. But they can't carry out their vicious agenda. In fact, India is vigilant enough to thwart any such subversive plan and wisely prevent violence and confrontation. Non-violence is a great guiding principle.
The Indian diaspora plays a helpful role as well in averting disaster of this sort. And, they as a tight cluster of progressive-minded individuals form a protective layer which filters out any probable harm or risk to the cherished land of their origins. Even the body of prominent international opinion does not lend any support to such crazy conspiracy. Triumphantly, "the idea of India" liquidates all threats of demolition.
My profound feelings are for India that prays for global welfare, honor its neighbors and campaigns for justice and peace in the world. India stands of human dignity, and this is the great image of India, we uphold.
It is this prestigious, composite and organic whole that people around the world call 'the fabulous India'. And to us, its citizens, it is our kindlier mother. Indians are proud of Mother India, who gives all, protects all, maintains all, and cares for lives and blesses progress. With this good faith, we march into the future. With this goal in view, we have pledged our lives in committed service to her.
India is the land of myths, religions and spiritual exuberance. Philosophy is ingrained in its psyche. To illustrate further I would introduce the metaphor of ocean, and depict this unfathomable stretch of legendary wisdom as 'the Indian Ocean', to which all streams of knowledge flow, plunge into its depths and gain acceptance and currency.
India encourages innovation and welcomes multiple views on any particular issue, and she doesn't doggedly promote anything as 'absolute'. It provides opportunities for argument and discussion, and places much emphasis on creativity rather than precedence. Significantly, India remains a preferred destination for different levels of thought. Ideas migrate to India when they are silenced, smothered or suppressed with strict opposition and censorship in other parts of the world. India is the ultimate home of boundless inquiry. She is a renowned host as she is liberal, open and tolerant.
There are cynics who wish to challenge this well-formed harmony. And there are also self-styled maniacs who continually look for a chance to spoil the elegant community mosaic. But they can't carry out their vicious agenda. In fact, India is vigilant enough to thwart any such subversive plan and wisely prevent violence and confrontation. Non-violence is a great guiding principle.
The Indian diaspora plays a helpful role as well in averting disaster of this sort. And, they as a tight cluster of progressive-minded individuals form a protective layer which filters out any probable harm or risk to the cherished land of their origins. Even the body of prominent international opinion does not lend any support to such crazy conspiracy. Triumphantly, "the idea of India" liquidates all threats of demolition.
My profound feelings are for India that prays for global welfare, honor its neighbors and campaigns for justice and peace in the world. India stands of human dignity, and this is the great image of India, we uphold.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
UFO Sightings
For decades many reports of UFO sightings have been recorded and later archived. This phenomenon will go on as long as people are hyper-imaginative. Why not? it is possible that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) exist, and nobody has ever been able to prove that they are just impossible. Scientists do not completely deny it; rather they are more curious to collect the latest case reports and subject them to crucial research. In short, there is a lot of speculation in the air.
However, reports based on personal experience can't be scientifically tested, and experts argue for and against, with little or no progress towards a reasonable conclusion. And, interestingly, the real materials have now been hidden under the chaotic mass of a lot of made-up stories and delusive accounts, and separating them for scientific analysis is next to impossible.
On the other hand, science fiction writers are flourishing in their trade with all their fantastic and terrific descriptions of extra-terrestrial objects and beings. Aliens visit the earth in their sophisticated space-craft. They possess superb intelligence and assume greater powers than us. They frequently come to study about life on earth, or they have set their eyes on our wealth. Maybe, they plan to conquer us. You can't rule out that since some of them look terrible in appearance and form. They would use force and attack us, and if we do not yield, they will destroy our race and planet. This is what they write and extrapolate. Human fantasy has no limit.
The sightings of UFO's can't be summarily dismissed as mere fiction or pigments of fancy. Intuition works and guide our thirst for knowledge. We will develop advanced tools for our search. We need just to wait until we get further revelation and clear evidence to establish our hypothesis.
However, reports based on personal experience can't be scientifically tested, and experts argue for and against, with little or no progress towards a reasonable conclusion. And, interestingly, the real materials have now been hidden under the chaotic mass of a lot of made-up stories and delusive accounts, and separating them for scientific analysis is next to impossible.
On the other hand, science fiction writers are flourishing in their trade with all their fantastic and terrific descriptions of extra-terrestrial objects and beings. Aliens visit the earth in their sophisticated space-craft. They possess superb intelligence and assume greater powers than us. They frequently come to study about life on earth, or they have set their eyes on our wealth. Maybe, they plan to conquer us. You can't rule out that since some of them look terrible in appearance and form. They would use force and attack us, and if we do not yield, they will destroy our race and planet. This is what they write and extrapolate. Human fantasy has no limit.
The sightings of UFO's can't be summarily dismissed as mere fiction or pigments of fancy. Intuition works and guide our thirst for knowledge. We will develop advanced tools for our search. We need just to wait until we get further revelation and clear evidence to establish our hypothesis.
Being Compassionate to Animals
It's a part of our social obligation to live in privileged union and inalienable harmony with Nature and other living things on earth. Love of animals makes us human in every sense. We are the caretakers of animals, and if we serve them compassionately, we have got the divine wisdom that spreads light of kindliness and universal sympathy.
Animals are to be treated like our brothers, sisters or children. We do the right thing if and only if we take them as a part of our whole family. Once when a kind gentleman introduced himself, he said, "We are a happy family of five: my wife; my son; my daughter; Bonny, our boy; and myself". Bonny is actually their pet, a dog but he could never point at him as an animal. He is their 'boy' literally! And, they live together, communicate to each other well, and the relationship is really unmatched. Bonny enjoys every moment of it and he is very understanding.
On the other hand, cruelty to animals makes us murders and criminals in no time. The wicked act or behavior is a punishable offense against God who created all. It is a pity that those 'dumb creatures' who can't use speech like us to demand their rights or desires are often neglected and left to die on the streets. We kill them mercilessly. Our vehicles run over them when we make our pleasure rides.
Animals are to be treated like our brothers, sisters or children. We do the right thing if and only if we take them as a part of our whole family. Once when a kind gentleman introduced himself, he said, "We are a happy family of five: my wife; my son; my daughter; Bonny, our boy; and myself". Bonny is actually their pet, a dog but he could never point at him as an animal. He is their 'boy' literally! And, they live together, communicate to each other well, and the relationship is really unmatched. Bonny enjoys every moment of it and he is very understanding.
On the other hand, cruelty to animals makes us murders and criminals in no time. The wicked act or behavior is a punishable offense against God who created all. It is a pity that those 'dumb creatures' who can't use speech like us to demand their rights or desires are often neglected and left to die on the streets. We kill them mercilessly. Our vehicles run over them when we make our pleasure rides.
Rio Carnival : Folks Love Fun
Drummers beat a weird rhythm, a novelty often, and dancers go round and round in flashy style. Music is spontaneous; merry-making at the wildest. The revelers dressed in gorgeous costumes and ornate make-up and mask, cause a stir but the crowd moves to join them applauding. Booze or bite, but they know no restraint.
Celebration is joy, and the people tuned to season's avalanche, entertain. Popular feelings rise to the occasion and passionate participation becomes a part of tradition.
Morals? Keep your mouth shut. This is life. Call it reversion or diversion, but understand that this is the freedom to laugh at the troubles of life, or negate its tragedy. This is the unrestrained exploration of life's big chances, which is no folly. Watch it how they do it. Watch it live. Now you are spellbound. You can't ask questions when life parades its own unconventional avatars . Do not spoil the mirth, but check out this reckless abandon. Name it the spirit of pleasure, but do not lose the fun.
Celebration is joy, and the people tuned to season's avalanche, entertain. Popular feelings rise to the occasion and passionate participation becomes a part of tradition.
Morals? Keep your mouth shut. This is life. Call it reversion or diversion, but understand that this is the freedom to laugh at the troubles of life, or negate its tragedy. This is the unrestrained exploration of life's big chances, which is no folly. Watch it how they do it. Watch it live. Now you are spellbound. You can't ask questions when life parades its own unconventional avatars . Do not spoil the mirth, but check out this reckless abandon. Name it the spirit of pleasure, but do not lose the fun.
Too much of English spoils the Sport
A Bavarian headmaster has criticized Deutsche Bahn by pointing out its casual neglect of local language sentiments. “Too much of English” is bad for our tracks, he says.
He complains of local difficulties in understanding and interpreting words and phrases in display in English at stations, and recommends more Germanization of railway terminology. The suggestion is that a local passenger enjoys the right to read the signs and instructions in his/ her native tongue.
However, this change of language is not to be applied at the expense of tourists’ accessibility to information. It doesn’t deter their comfort either. At least in places where the foreign visitors come in large numbers, they would still be able to exercise their freedom of choice and read in their own preferred language. That means, in all likelihood, English would co-exist with German in such places.
It is glad news that the Deutsche Bahn now posesses the vision and initiative for revamping the system. The company will remove all barriers and add multiple options to lend credence to its impartial service. They have their best intentions to assist both locals and foreigners at the same time and avoid unpleasant criticism.
We need to respect the local preference and inclination for German. Furthermore, if we really go deeper into it, we will find the genuine urges behind this awakening. One's first language has its profound significance and psychological value. It's that unexplainable devotion to mother tongue.
As far as I can see, I take this a very constructive and dynamic view. I hope the 'global communication link' will be made stronger and better.
He complains of local difficulties in understanding and interpreting words and phrases in display in English at stations, and recommends more Germanization of railway terminology. The suggestion is that a local passenger enjoys the right to read the signs and instructions in his/ her native tongue.
However, this change of language is not to be applied at the expense of tourists’ accessibility to information. It doesn’t deter their comfort either. At least in places where the foreign visitors come in large numbers, they would still be able to exercise their freedom of choice and read in their own preferred language. That means, in all likelihood, English would co-exist with German in such places.
It is glad news that the Deutsche Bahn now posesses the vision and initiative for revamping the system. The company will remove all barriers and add multiple options to lend credence to its impartial service. They have their best intentions to assist both locals and foreigners at the same time and avoid unpleasant criticism.
We need to respect the local preference and inclination for German. Furthermore, if we really go deeper into it, we will find the genuine urges behind this awakening. One's first language has its profound significance and psychological value. It's that unexplainable devotion to mother tongue.
As far as I can see, I take this a very constructive and dynamic view. I hope the 'global communication link' will be made stronger and better.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A Great Indian Hero
I naturally felt the need to write a few words in praise of a unique personality, who deeply impressed me this morning.
As I greeted friends and wished them Valentine blessings ( Feb 14 - Valentine's Day ), I was surprised to receive a call from His Excellency the Consular Attache of Indian Embassy in Riyadh. The call was in answer to an email sent to the Consular a couple of hours ago, seeking guidance in a particular issue.
Honorable Mr. Neeraj Agrawal, not only responded very fast but also encouraged us to approach the Embassy anytime in need. He said politely but emphatically, "it's your Embassy...you have the right...". His words kept really rebounding in my ears for long.....and they were quite re-assuring in a place where we often felt isolated, forlorn or lost.
He is so proactive and outgoing that we feel it would be a rare chance to find an unassuming and helpful person like him. Undoubtedly, he is one who possess a instinctive willingness to help others. It's pure brilliance!
The above words spring from my heart of hearts, and they are dedicated to "a great hero of India".
Jai Hind!
As I greeted friends and wished them Valentine blessings ( Feb 14 - Valentine's Day ), I was surprised to receive a call from His Excellency the Consular Attache of Indian Embassy in Riyadh. The call was in answer to an email sent to the Consular a couple of hours ago, seeking guidance in a particular issue.
Honorable Mr. Neeraj Agrawal, not only responded very fast but also encouraged us to approach the Embassy anytime in need. He said politely but emphatically, "it's your Embassy...you have the right...". His words kept really rebounding in my ears for long.....and they were quite re-assuring in a place where we often felt isolated, forlorn or lost.
He is so proactive and outgoing that we feel it would be a rare chance to find an unassuming and helpful person like him. Undoubtedly, he is one who possess a instinctive willingness to help others. It's pure brilliance!
The above words spring from my heart of hearts, and they are dedicated to "a great hero of India".
Jai Hind!
Educational Scams
A lot of young people I meet these days are talking about enrolling themselves in an MBA course run by one of the accredited universities in Britain or USA. Online courses, practically their best option, are comparatively cheaper and flexible in duration.
Some of these ambitious graduates, out of the reckless impatience of youth, hurry to join some courses without any inquiry or verification, and are quite misguided in this. They do not realize their folly until they run into deep trouble.
Websites are now teeming with 'MBA Online' ads, and these fantasy-prompts have their impact on impressionable minds. Repetitive Ads lure young minds inclined to crazy fad or struck by a storm of fashion. An MBA degree added to one's name has its own secret satisfaction, and so some are definitely fascinated by this notion. However, a guy with a meritorious degree in hand has its own weight in the society definitely. He has a higher market value as he affects professional charm.
Educational scams tailored and run for enticing inexperienced minds are doing their job as well. Not just in education, but in every field, this is the most depressing trend. There is much, that is truly inspiring, going on as fruitful educational endeavor; but at the same time, much that is deeply discouraging, is also taking place behind the screen. Every real activity has its antithesis in some form or other lifting its hydra heads in the society. Both good and evil prevail side by side; but you always see the vicious flourish.
What is the solution? How do the youth get the right direction and guidance? To escape being caught in a trap of fake degrees and educational scams, we must be extremely alert and analytical. We must remember that if we fall into temptation, it would be dangerous and disastrous; and it will spoil the future prospects and career: not only time and money wasted, the damaging disgrace would continue to pester us throughout life with its pop-up windows of regretful tragic loss. So it is always good to plan and ensure security. Before we actually begin the project, we must confirm the security of the source through proper background inquiry and study. As the proverb says: 'Think before you leap.'
In the Middle East especially, there are a number of agencies that label themselves as popular in offering various high level courses to students and they go on inviting applications and accepting payments to give admission to remote universities. They often succeed in attracting a sizable crowd of learners through their fraudulant but persuasive techniques. Imposters as they are, they have their elusive marketing magic to touch and put to sleep their prospective candidates and win their absolute trust. The cruel masters turn them into addictive listeners, who are compelled to watch their trade show.
So let's be watchful and discreet.
Some of these ambitious graduates, out of the reckless impatience of youth, hurry to join some courses without any inquiry or verification, and are quite misguided in this. They do not realize their folly until they run into deep trouble.
Websites are now teeming with 'MBA Online' ads, and these fantasy-prompts have their impact on impressionable minds. Repetitive Ads lure young minds inclined to crazy fad or struck by a storm of fashion. An MBA degree added to one's name has its own secret satisfaction, and so some are definitely fascinated by this notion. However, a guy with a meritorious degree in hand has its own weight in the society definitely. He has a higher market value as he affects professional charm.
Educational scams tailored and run for enticing inexperienced minds are doing their job as well. Not just in education, but in every field, this is the most depressing trend. There is much, that is truly inspiring, going on as fruitful educational endeavor; but at the same time, much that is deeply discouraging, is also taking place behind the screen. Every real activity has its antithesis in some form or other lifting its hydra heads in the society. Both good and evil prevail side by side; but you always see the vicious flourish.
What is the solution? How do the youth get the right direction and guidance? To escape being caught in a trap of fake degrees and educational scams, we must be extremely alert and analytical. We must remember that if we fall into temptation, it would be dangerous and disastrous; and it will spoil the future prospects and career: not only time and money wasted, the damaging disgrace would continue to pester us throughout life with its pop-up windows of regretful tragic loss. So it is always good to plan and ensure security. Before we actually begin the project, we must confirm the security of the source through proper background inquiry and study. As the proverb says: 'Think before you leap.'
In the Middle East especially, there are a number of agencies that label themselves as popular in offering various high level courses to students and they go on inviting applications and accepting payments to give admission to remote universities. They often succeed in attracting a sizable crowd of learners through their fraudulant but persuasive techniques. Imposters as they are, they have their elusive marketing magic to touch and put to sleep their prospective candidates and win their absolute trust. The cruel masters turn them into addictive listeners, who are compelled to watch their trade show.
So let's be watchful and discreet.
hydra heads,
market value,
Love is not Dated
Friday, February 12, 2010
Passionate Dreams
Those who dream of realizing goals, like the people with artistic ambitions, are the ones who achieve them with out fail. Dreams come true.
The best artistic intentions can be surrounded for a while by reckless waves. But the sailor who sees far ( and beyond stars ), forgetting chasms of trouble beside, sails home safely at the end. Dreams help them to reach their goals like the guiding light from a lighthouse.
In a world of distractions, it is difficult to keep always focused to the shore of greatness. The passionate ones do it.
On the other hand, non-serious ones, who choose to apply their malicious tactics and profess to create a flowery style are only cheating themselves. They have got their punishment. The reading public learns to winnow the materials and cast out into the fire of contempt.
The real artists or writers see the light at the end of the tunnel. They shine like stars as their tribulations end, and are rewarded with popular applaud.
They visualize value and worth in theme and style, make it a habit and perfect their craft. Sublimity, the hallmark of their work, merges with the great style employed, to create, manifest and communicate the depth and truth of their passion.
The best artistic intentions can be surrounded for a while by reckless waves. But the sailor who sees far ( and beyond stars ), forgetting chasms of trouble beside, sails home safely at the end. Dreams help them to reach their goals like the guiding light from a lighthouse.
In a world of distractions, it is difficult to keep always focused to the shore of greatness. The passionate ones do it.
On the other hand, non-serious ones, who choose to apply their malicious tactics and profess to create a flowery style are only cheating themselves. They have got their punishment. The reading public learns to winnow the materials and cast out into the fire of contempt.
The real artists or writers see the light at the end of the tunnel. They shine like stars as their tribulations end, and are rewarded with popular applaud.
They visualize value and worth in theme and style, make it a habit and perfect their craft. Sublimity, the hallmark of their work, merges with the great style employed, to create, manifest and communicate the depth and truth of their passion.
The Tibetan Crusader for Peace
This century's greatest living crusader for peace is the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama. No doubt, he is an 'Ocean of Wisdom' as the title suggests.
His non-violent struggle is meant for the protection of the Tibetan people, and the preservation of their culture, which is severely threatened under the Chinese rule. He raises his voice against the Communist aggression that thwarts his efforts and downplays his his mission and labels him a 'splitter'.
His repeated calls for dialogues and negotiations have been persistently unheeded. However, it is true that the Dalai Lama's unwavering stand and undisputed leadership are gaining support throughout the world. He is a thorough humanist, and global figure of courage!
It is noteworthy that his cause is undoubtedly justified, unhesitatingly cheered and gloriously supported by all who believe in human freedom. Soon the political impediments will be cleared for the recognition of his goal.
His non-violent struggle is meant for the protection of the Tibetan people, and the preservation of their culture, which is severely threatened under the Chinese rule. He raises his voice against the Communist aggression that thwarts his efforts and downplays his his mission and labels him a 'splitter'.
His repeated calls for dialogues and negotiations have been persistently unheeded. However, it is true that the Dalai Lama's unwavering stand and undisputed leadership are gaining support throughout the world. He is a thorough humanist, and global figure of courage!
It is noteworthy that his cause is undoubtedly justified, unhesitatingly cheered and gloriously supported by all who believe in human freedom. Soon the political impediments will be cleared for the recognition of his goal.
Search for Identity
A writer's life is a continuous search for identity.
He might be tempted to look for the roots of his identity among the traditional writers who have apparently influenced his writings. But that's just a shadow of his fear or 'anxiety of influence'. He might be at pains to arrive at the conclusion that he has always been standing alone curtailing the 'influences' that buzz around him. He needs be himself, allowing his own voice to echo back, unmixed with other alien voices from the past or the present.
A writer is his own past, present and future.
He is not at the mercy of the world, but it's the other way round. Apart from time and talent, he is the one who directs the cause and effect. He is the result of his will, projected through originality in thought and style. He is the voice or expression of the moment, the mouth-piece of a highly creative time.
He might be tempted to look for the roots of his identity among the traditional writers who have apparently influenced his writings. But that's just a shadow of his fear or 'anxiety of influence'. He might be at pains to arrive at the conclusion that he has always been standing alone curtailing the 'influences' that buzz around him. He needs be himself, allowing his own voice to echo back, unmixed with other alien voices from the past or the present.
A writer is his own past, present and future.
He is not at the mercy of the world, but it's the other way round. Apart from time and talent, he is the one who directs the cause and effect. He is the result of his will, projected through originality in thought and style. He is the voice or expression of the moment, the mouth-piece of a highly creative time.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Work is in Progress
Change, Growth, Progress, etc are some of the words in the language that sound vigorous and tremendous.
Dynamism adds a touch of beauty to life. Life is transient, so we need to hurry up. If we rest, we rust. So we can't just be idle and waste mindlessly our precious little allowance of time. We need to plan what we are going to do next.
The frequently asked question is "what next?"
The image of future is always in front of us, and future is what we really make of it. We persistently ask ourselves, "do you you have any plans for the future?" and we add a new leaf every fraction of a second.
We presume, we guess....we come to believe that "The Work is in Progress"..... It is true that we are already in pursuit of a dream. Yea, we fly with the time, and are in tune with it.
That's good news.
Dynamism adds a touch of beauty to life. Life is transient, so we need to hurry up. If we rest, we rust. So we can't just be idle and waste mindlessly our precious little allowance of time. We need to plan what we are going to do next.
The frequently asked question is "what next?"
The image of future is always in front of us, and future is what we really make of it. We persistently ask ourselves, "do you you have any plans for the future?" and we add a new leaf every fraction of a second.
We presume, we guess....we come to believe that "The Work is in Progress"..... It is true that we are already in pursuit of a dream. Yea, we fly with the time, and are in tune with it.
That's good news.
Wholeness of Life
Children are care-free, frank and innocent. Everybody knows that except the possessors of virtue. "Trailing clouds of glory they come...", sings the poet.
Do you think Innocence and experience are at opposite poles? Children mature and learn the tricks of the world, or "the way of the world" as they grow up. Growth doesn't decimate their childlike qualities. They still own what they were born with; but what they earn from the university of the world is something that changes ( dilutes or enhances ) their original style. But, this argument is not to conclude erroneously that growing into maturity is a bad sign. I can never suggest so.
On the other hand, I glorify that "Wholeness" that can apportion both in ideal measures. What matters is not more or less but the ideal proportion that necessity craves for.
The joy of innocence is great; but the wisdom of experience is greater! And, i believe we can keep both as essential parameters of wholeness of life, the life that engulfs both the bitter and the sweet.
Do you think Innocence and experience are at opposite poles? Children mature and learn the tricks of the world, or "the way of the world" as they grow up. Growth doesn't decimate their childlike qualities. They still own what they were born with; but what they earn from the university of the world is something that changes ( dilutes or enhances ) their original style. But, this argument is not to conclude erroneously that growing into maturity is a bad sign. I can never suggest so.
On the other hand, I glorify that "Wholeness" that can apportion both in ideal measures. What matters is not more or less but the ideal proportion that necessity craves for.
The joy of innocence is great; but the wisdom of experience is greater! And, i believe we can keep both as essential parameters of wholeness of life, the life that engulfs both the bitter and the sweet.
Rhythm of Silence
Does silence has a typical and indefinable rhythm?
I know a lot of people who do not talk much but communicate fairly well. Their face shines as they keep a solemn dignity. They enjoy calmness and move smoothly with magnanimity of purpose; their mind is bent on common well-being.
Silence is eloquent when it is chosen truthfully and applied with sincerity. The value of Silence is so great that it can surpass a million words spoken in and out of time. But who cares for the force and depth of silence?
Its rhythm is all the more captivating. Listen to Silence acutely, and you can feel it vibrating around you.
Nature's powerful rhythm is scripted in the inscrutable code of silence.
I know a lot of people who do not talk much but communicate fairly well. Their face shines as they keep a solemn dignity. They enjoy calmness and move smoothly with magnanimity of purpose; their mind is bent on common well-being.
Silence is eloquent when it is chosen truthfully and applied with sincerity. The value of Silence is so great that it can surpass a million words spoken in and out of time. But who cares for the force and depth of silence?
Its rhythm is all the more captivating. Listen to Silence acutely, and you can feel it vibrating around you.
Nature's powerful rhythm is scripted in the inscrutable code of silence.
Poverty, a Naked Truth
Poverty...I have been pondering over this ineffacable social phenomenon ever since start thinking. Can i call it evil? I am not sure. The poor suffer unjustifiably.
In a world where the measure of man is money, the lack of money would definitely cause a downgrading. Men without money is a waste of nature. He is not recognized at all in any social category. The poor are a neglected lot. Everybody knows they exist but nobody knows how they manage to live. Often they are virtuous because they have not gotten the chances of the affluent to fake goodness and commit crimes.
The poor are more sinned against than sinning. There is no court of justice to defend their innocence. The society's conscience has been frozen by material greed.
Do we have a minute to ponder over this naked truth?
In a world where the measure of man is money, the lack of money would definitely cause a downgrading. Men without money is a waste of nature. He is not recognized at all in any social category. The poor are a neglected lot. Everybody knows they exist but nobody knows how they manage to live. Often they are virtuous because they have not gotten the chances of the affluent to fake goodness and commit crimes.
The poor are more sinned against than sinning. There is no court of justice to defend their innocence. The society's conscience has been frozen by material greed.
Do we have a minute to ponder over this naked truth?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Goal of Education
Education is a noble activity, an uplifting process that sanctifies the soul of the learner.
Ironically, in the name of education, what all illogical practices are going on. The so-called teachers use young brains as a waste basket to fill with all rubbish. What does it produce but stinking decay not only in growing minds but also in the society they live or move?
Education or training is meant for progress through freedom. It must liberate rather than enslave. New ideas must strengthen the creative mind; new leaves of thought should lead to discovery. This is the ideal goal. This is the core of educational philosophy.
So any methods widely adpoted should inspire activity rather than stunt growth.
Ironically, in the name of education, what all illogical practices are going on. The so-called teachers use young brains as a waste basket to fill with all rubbish. What does it produce but stinking decay not only in growing minds but also in the society they live or move?
Education or training is meant for progress through freedom. It must liberate rather than enslave. New ideas must strengthen the creative mind; new leaves of thought should lead to discovery. This is the ideal goal. This is the core of educational philosophy.
So any methods widely adpoted should inspire activity rather than stunt growth.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Dying Books
Advent of iPad threatens.....
Are books dying?
If books are dead, what in the end will spread winds of change?
If the comfortable print begins to disappear, how do we feel the touch of it, or take pride in the size and shape of bound volumes? What do we collect them for our personal library?
Can a virtual library experience adequately supplant that of a real printed book world?
Are books dying?
If books are dead, what in the end will spread winds of change?
If the comfortable print begins to disappear, how do we feel the touch of it, or take pride in the size and shape of bound volumes? What do we collect them for our personal library?
Can a virtual library experience adequately supplant that of a real printed book world?
Breast Cancer - the Pity of it...
Who will champion the cause?
Breast cancer is challenge to women. How many of them are going through its painful trauma!
Though once struck and cured, still the painful memories cause perpetual fear of recurrence.
But how daring are some of them! they smile away their fears or hide their worries behind a cheerful presence. I admire their courage...
Breast cancer is challenge to women. How many of them are going through its painful trauma!
Though once struck and cured, still the painful memories cause perpetual fear of recurrence.
But how daring are some of them! they smile away their fears or hide their worries behind a cheerful presence. I admire their courage...
Plight of Expatriates in KSA
After 22 years in Saudi Arabia, Mr Lima realizes his blunder and reaches the conclusion that he has been wasting such a precious life serving people who would never ever value his sacrifice. He actually wept saying this.
True, this is the case with millions of indians who work in this country. Their contribution goes unnoticed or unrecorded. This is thankless job!
True, this is the case with millions of indians who work in this country. Their contribution goes unnoticed or unrecorded. This is thankless job!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
time's racecourse
the work defeats me....i am behind schedule....i can't keep up with time. time is wild like an untamed horse...it's an unruly wind that knows not any direction. i am buried under tbe sands of time.........present amends future?
regular writing
How nice it is to come back HOME and scribble what you like! I enjoy every bit of it. I welcome my friends enjoy the writing activity...it's really refreshing.
I heard about the death of JD Salinger..the reclusive writer...for whom fame was a shock.
I heard about the death of JD Salinger..the reclusive writer...for whom fame was a shock.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Where is light when there is night within and without?
Friday, January 22, 2010
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